sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010


By Sorem

No. 15
In Spanish:

With the power of the work of  the IGHLUZ. Implanting one or more quartz crystals, anywhere in the world, the easiest way, burying them, and thereby creating a center of light and love, may be in their place of residence, introducing the quartz crystal, which is memory of the intention of your own Light and Love, anywhere that you look good ... in a park in an appropriate place in nature ... with a simple, heartfelt ceremony (as they did in different places).

Then, from wherever you are, you can activate it every day with the same ceremony, with the imagination, and expands to infinity all the powerful energy of your own Light and LoveThe ceremony can be simple and as every one / to believe that he comes from his heart.Here we expose the ceremony remembering that we recite daily, and can recite all the people who see fit, individually or in groups, to turn the entire Earth these energies that each one of us, each / a from the place where it is residence.The first time to implement the windows, burying, rather than asset that must be said, implant, and then every day if you say, active, as is set out below.With the ceremony, saying, feeling and being this ...

 1 .- I, guardian / na my own pillar of light, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of light, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

2 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own Love, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of love, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

3 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own unit, active in this place on Earth, the energy of the unit to the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

4 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own freedom, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of freedom, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

5 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own wisdom, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of Wisdom, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

6 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own joy, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of joy, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

7 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own peace, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of PEACE, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

8 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own Harmony, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of HARMONY, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

9 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own gratitude, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of gratitude, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

10 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own Truth, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of the TRUTH, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

We combine the energies of the 10 pillars of IGHLUZ to activate all the energies of: Light, Love, Unity, Freedom, Wisdom, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Gratitude and Truth, in collaboration with our higher selves, with all Beings of Light always helping us with the Devas and Elementals of this place, and the Great Universal Energy Cosmic Christ, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.

Finally, with all the feeling of what was said, and displaying pure white energy source "Father-Mother God ... it retains a few seconds forming a sphere, compressing and transmuting this pure energy, in our own power of 10 pillars that everyone has in itself ... and out with a bang in this field of energy, where the area, "the One", is expanding many of the same areas, while still being "ONE." (3 times) ...

Reciting the same thing every day, from anywhere, to turn to its beneficent power assistance for the highest good of himself and all others.

(There are 12 pillars in the Ighluz, but there are 2 left to come by the year 2012)

viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010

CIRCLE-GROUP "LOVE" No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ...

No. 14

September 11, 2010

In Spanish:

Dear Friends.

I have to apologize for the mess I have yet to this, because yesterday I sent two messages to some of you thought it was for him, but I have to ask them to archive for later, because now they control:

1) Groups, Circles to Help Gaia and Humanity of Sorema, July 20

2) Each Daily Activity Base-Circle Group

This material Sorema confirmed today so I hope never to be wrong, well I say with all sincerity that when I sent my message on 9 to the network it took five people and each group has 12 members and I copy the information from Sorema:

Groups of 12 members to view and concentrate well energy, knowing each other for the photos and some talks to share some experiences, and that coexistence even in the distance, come to feel each other and all united in meditation, but if the group is very large, it is more difficult to concentrate and disperse energy.

 This does not mean we're not all groups together, but we must begin by making it easier, and so we're integrating more and more, until we feel all groups into one.

 Alexiis, when I send the templates to each group, I can make the box of photos.

Now the unexpected happened and we are already 55 members in the Group "LOVE", thus, not dropped from the name that was so obviously attractive, has split members in N º 1 to 5, until now.

I am extremely happy and excited about all this and already know that I am available for any report they need.

From here on I will pass little by little all the material that has so far been distributed.

Sorema and I thank all the members, and teachers for this wonderful opportunity.Love, Alexiis


By Sorem


Dear sisters and brothers, we find ourselves in this moment in time where all of us Together have decided with all our might and hapiness, to shout, WE CAN!... we can and wish to create the New Earth with each one of us putting all that we really are... “Light and Love”.


This is how we perceive the activity that we are going to carry out with all the neccessary strenght on a daily basis. The time is not important for now, since we close our eyes and enter into the world of imagination, a dimensional place where time does not exist, and that can be more real than the physical one we know...

We visualize all of us who are committed to the activity, together in a circle, joining our energies of Light and Love of the 12 of us as one single energy. It is just one group consciousness coming from us and our Higher Selves, -we are already aware of that unity-, this energy of Light and Love Unified... we inhale ... and exhale from our hearts... directing it towards Gaia´s heart... with this unified breath as A Single Heart... and then...equally, we take another one directect towards the consciousness of humanity with the same intention. This is then repeated inhaling and exhaling 6 times towards Gaia´s heart, and doing so for 6 more times, spreading them towards the consciousness of mankind.

And after doing that, we enter into a free style metidation... where we see all of us on the New Earth which is already created... living together in absolute happiness, with all of those who confrom the other Circle-Groups, with those that are in all the other groups, and with the entire humanity vibrating in the state of consciousness existing over there...

This is the base activity; the same one for all, in total unity, regardless of which group everyone belongs to, we visualize eachother with all groups inside a bigger Circle or sphere, and in complete balance. We then perceive ourselves then as a single piece of unity with same intention of helping Gaia and the entire Humanity.

The Universe… The Sun… The Earth… and Humanity. in CIRCLE-GROUPS…12 by 12 members...144... with the Trinity, or Christic Energy in the middle... with endless numbers of these groups in motion, and United... as a singe HEART.

We have now managed, brothers and sisters, to sense eachother as one. We are joining together our energies activated by as many of us as possible, as Beings of Light with high intentions. We know that this united energy is exponential in order to help Gaia and Humanity raising the vibration as much as possible with a single active Heart which is conscious and aware of Pure Love in Unity. This makes it  possible to achieve the quantum leap in aid of those beings that need to awake.

Here, in this Blog: http://gruposcirculos.blogspot.com/ you can find all the information of the CIRCLE-GROUPS, a mission of Love, that Masters Jeshua and Oxalc have offered us in order to create it upon Earth; helping ourselves, Gaia, and all mankind.

Each CIRCLE-GROUP will have a set of photos as this one of the masters with it´s 12 members. This enables you to better visualize the energy of the Family of Light that you have already created, in order to share your experiences as a family amongst you in the group. This Love is then taken to the base activity and daily meditation, with the Love of your higher selves United... and you  can also take this high vibration throughout the entire day with you wherever you may be.

I embrace you… feeling the Great Love that dwells inside our hearts… Sorem. 

Message to the GROUP-CIRCLES

By Sorem

No. 12
September 7, 2010

In Spanish:

We ended the holiday in this part of the world where the mind have been more dispersed, and it put us all to continue with the necessary force.
Let me remember what we are doing all the components of the groups-Circles: In principle, we are taking the strength of our love to drive away, in a practical way, and it helps us greatly to know some possible coexistence distance, by the name or photograph, and some words that come to feel each other.

For example: In the "light", we shared some individual experiences of our energy base activity with the group, and the photographs and names of the 12 displayed in a table, it is easier to visualize the activity daily to base we know is: Displaying the power of light and love of the 12 United, the we take with inhalation ... and from our heart, breathe into the heart of Gaia 6 times ... and 6 others also expanded it into the consciousness of all humanity ...Then this feeling high, like meditation, each / or imagine freely, the New Earth that we are creating ... and this creation that we made among all, we continue to create every day ... taking into consideration that to get finally create is not enough just for this moment every day, but you have to maintain this same choice together with the same feeling of love is also maintained, in all daily actions that each one / a.

This high power also can be exploited to our own evolution, expanding it in constant service to help others with the same feeling of conscious breathing, where daily walk.This group energy that we have created with the union of our 12 Superior beings together, and many light beings that are supporting us in our choice, it can also serve for the needs that each / or create appropriate as directed by your consciousness.

And when a party gets between 12 display the necessary drive, with the same feeling of love high in service to Gaia and Humanity, joins another group, and then another ... and so with all groups-Circles can, and with the same intensity of love and feeling, together with all Lightworkers.In order to create what we are discussing is very important to consider: The correct word you utter ... Thought ... The true feelings ... The action at that time and maintained with everything that influences our daily lives ... and perseverance constant sense of improving what we really are ... and these 5 concepts must always be united.All this, coupled with the same energy related, first of 12 of our own group, then, together with that of all groups, and then all of humanity committed to the same intent to throw your Light and Love in Unity .

The sense of form groups, circles of 12, is as ideal number, but gives exactly the same number of group members, the idea comes from a statement Oxalc and Jeshua, covering the fruit that is providing the seed planted Jeshua ago 2000 years ago when he said: "Where two or more gathered in my name, there am I with them", attracting and creating high-frequency energy, which currently offer the Serbian Gaia and Humanity.

We are organizing groups-Circles with members from around the world who wish to join, but need not be by this process can be totally independent from any particular place and its free creativity, with the same mission of love joined together to raise the vibration of an exponential, in service to help humanity that is all that matters.

We are seeing our higher selves clearly, that at the present time, we must accelerate our internal communication system between all Lightworkers, can disappear very easily because partial or total, all kinds of outdoor advertising, mobile, Internet ... and with the groups, circles, we're getting that internal communication Soul to Soul interdimensional direct route, through the feeling of Love unified with the same sense of service.

So, my sisters and brothers, even though all external communication persists, as is the end of the dark plan to separate, yet only get more united, stronger activating our internal communication cohesion of Soul to Soul, and would continue doing our powerful energy together, to raise the vibration of light and love, in all humanity.

Channeled by Sorem

No. 11
September 6, 2010
In Spanish:

Yes my dear, I am Jeshua, drawn by your love and in union with you all as I said Oxalc ... but I also like that I feel in your heart with all my love in this work you are doing with the groups, circles, and all the different projects in unity with groups, without more, is having its impact on all major creation of the New Earth.

I come to my brothers, to give you that push that sometimes you need encouragement, and you can feel yourself as you always accompanies power, and joins in your work group, to be effective for your support purposes.And so I come today to give you security that you can have in your work together for the good of all your brothers and Gaia, with what you are doing, but do not think you are so important, but I say that every single human is incredibly important to have everything he does.And you in lofty sentiments unit, Marçais the difference as a role model for those coming behind in joining the unified energy for the good of everyone, being aware of their involvement in the plan of God on this planet.

That's why, that Lightworkers are with the commitment to open roads that may be easier, to all who join will also be determined in the same sense, to give its light in all that is possible his life, for the Light reign forever in the New Earth.So we are seeing, Oxalc, and I Jeshua to you, to encourage you in these difficult times, in the coast that we are going through very difficult to achieve the highest vibration possible, realizing that it is of absolute necessity of union all your expressions of activation and support.

Only with this attitude of unity, you can get your higher purpose, and therefore we are also collaborating in this unit, which you have achieved and we also have asked our union to you in your daily tasks.We could not join you, without you do not you raise your energy, and so when you have raised and to some extent, is when we can join ours to your decision, in the same sense you are creating and activating states.Therefore, my brothers, we are with you always, but we can not interfere, and we can join only if you ask us and you are at the same height necessary for their elevation, which can be combined and expanded by road or light runners of equal intensity.

The same dimensions are accumulations of light together with its frequency, and this frequency is different, but when two dimensions have come to the same high frequency of Light, this size may be or work together to increase their own light in unity.So my brothers, you are about to come into the light of other dimensions that you will see and you can receive your help more levada Light, which you will evolve faster than in other states, opening doors for you in infinite directions.But as you continue in this dimension, all efforts were concentrated on the next level, now you have at your disposal to enjoy its benefits, of course, since you have earned with all the effort of many lives, and so, we put at your service for this purpose to be achieved.

So brothers, I just say, who are already living the joy of the New Jerusalem, with your expressions of love together, with all that I can communicate with you, to take the same action of shared love and together for the good of all.We my brothers, we are bound to your decision to empower them, only when you have it ready and started, only then we will join you to give more thrust to the Love that you are joining to create the New Earth.Love That coupled with all your intent, is what makes us attract and join you all in your daily activities, therefore, I say we are with you in the activation of the groups, circles, and in all activities different groups carry out daily.

But we also want you to know that we are attracted by your love and your work unit, because that is what creates the power of attraction of light, making it ever more powerful, with the unit provided to serve the needy, with the intention of raising humanity tota la Luz, in order to achieve equality of needs for the common life of all mankind.And only love can get this elevation and creation of the New Earth, following the preliminary steps to complete the whole work together, putting each one internal commitment to his being constantly telling you, as his duty before his responsibility of conscience.

So brothers, Love is attracted also, fulfilling what I said: "Where two or more gathered in my name, there am I with them", and this is what you are doing with the groups, circles and all unit activities in groups, you attract love in the highest frequency, your own Love joined the service of the climb.I am Jeshua, which Oxalc, we are with our love together, honor your service.


Channeled by Sorem

Nº 10
September 3th, 2010

In Spanish:

Yes Oxalc in your mind, little brother, I´m here to send my Love like words that are making the feeling that I want you to feel, because the Love is unique and I want it to reach everyone, and it´s expands into all of you, and from you to all humanity.

So, little brothers, I come to talk just about Love and that you feel that love too, and then, you spread this Love to all the sites where you´re living and enjoy that, because that is the only that I want to tell at these times: Enjoy giving Love, at every time and every possible way.

There´s no other nice way to feel the full happiness than giving all our Love, there´s many nice ways in life, but the greatest is always when it´s given selfless Love, inconditional Love, and you know what I´m talking about, because you have already experienced and felt its effect.

So, mi beloved little brothers, today I don´t want to greatly extend but firmly anchored the message that it´s already inside of everyone, in every heart, I just want to share with you my Love too, because as you well know that when we are united it increases exponentially, and that is what you´re doing with Group-Circles and other kind of unit.

So, little brothers, this message is just to tell you and to feel Jeshua´s Love and mine, Oxalc, when you do your group activity, and with them it will be even bigger, to the purpose that you´re creating in your decided union, to help raising the vibration of the whole planet status.

Don´t believe that you are few and it doesn´t have repercussions your united action, besides you don´t see it, we say so, that thanks to you and all humans like you, are progressing the ascension of the Planet in its glorious transition. And with this Love that you can feel in your group activity, we are still with you, and you in us, to feel us too with singles Love feelings, yes it´s like this, how you want to activate your necessity of communication to your own growth.

We are always willing to answer your calls and give to you what we are, we are Love, the same like you, and you can feel it always if you want, just to call our attention you can feel yourself and hear us, apart from this, it´s just a way of feelings and you can know about our loving energy.

I tell you, this message is a Love one but it´s about more of your Love, because it´s too important that you feel our Love to know that you´re not alone, but the most important is that you feel your own Love, how it is manifested and helps everything around, this is the time that you see your own power in your Love. Feel this way, because the Love is a great power that moves everything that is asleep, and you are awakening to planet level, yes little brothers, I´m not exaggerating and this message is that you realize the great effect of your own united Love.

I´m leaving so, with this Love that has left united yours, to understand that the Love is not wasted neither leads, only increases more and more when it is accepted and fed with the same energy, that is the only true that exists in every universe, like pure and inexhaustible energy.

Little brothers, I´m Oxalc and with Jeshua´s Love, united by your Love in activation of Love united by groups… to ensure compliance… what Jeshua´s wanted to say: Wherever are two or more gathered in the name of Love, there it is the Great Love united in you.


Channeled by Sorem

No. 9

August 20th, 2010

In Spanish:

A few days ago that I have not channeled, several times I felt the tone or signal and I ignored it, but today I write without any notice, to check the situation and everything I feel about it.

I feel Jeshua’s energy that is like a deep Love, from the inside and expanded to the outside, taking into consideration everything that could willingly receive this energy of unconditional love.

And in other occasions, I feel the energy of Michael, with the force of truth making its way into the warm energy that strives for not wanting to see the Light of the new day.

But these two energies are there and are an integral part of my being, it is as if Yeshua had planted his seed in my heart, and Michael gives to it the power of truth so that it may grow with all his power, and thus I feel the energy of these two families into one.

At this point, I feel more than ever the Love of these two families with all their greatness, it seems like if they told me: go on, go on, do not stop, it’s not necessary to wait and see what we can tell you, we're all in a single thought already, we are united in oneself, you not have to wait to see what we say, we are always by the side, the one with the other.

So it is brethren, and I say to everyone equally: Go on go on, being fearless, because it’s also is in you and you in him, in the energy of Michael, go on, being yourself, yes, we are there too, because we are one, but you must be yourselves without waiting for what we can say.

Go on, go on, becoming more yourself, being more and more the consciousness of all, being more and more that one heart, that awareness of the truth always ahead, go on, go on, do not stop, do not wait to see what they say, you are also God, remember it always, and that means we're all on you and you in us.

Go on, go on, do not stop, you're the one who writes, the one who speaks with yourself, nobody's saying anything, it’s you in you, in us all, just one, we are God, yes, yes, go on, go on, be confident in what you are experiencing, in yourself, yes, trust yourself, it's the time to leave behind many things and start new ones.

Go on, do not stop, do not think and expect to receive anything from anybody, it’s yourself who is now in a new energy of unity, yes it is, I repeat over and over again the same so that this reality of what you are may be one with your thought.

Go on, go on, do not stop, you yourself, without waiting to see what anyone tells you, much has been said and we have waited too long to see what they tell you, everything that was  received in the past is OK, now you begin a new situation on your beings, a new reality that you are creating, and this reality is: TO BE YOURSELVES.

To be you as you are, you are your Higher Self united to all the beings of Light, and that is among you, everyone, and you already communicate among you, don’t  you realize that you feel the same?, perhaps you want to express it with different words, but it’s the same feeling which wants to join beating in one heart.

Go on, go on, do not stop, be yourself, do not expect for whistle of alert to channel, it’s not necessary, we are united forever, what are you waiting to talk to yourself?, we are in you and you in us, you just have to want to talk and to listen to hold the dialogue with whoever you want, even among yourselves.

Yes, believe it, also among you, not as agile as with us, but ultimately you are you communicating with each other with the feeling, and you are doing it in a constant communication, and you already know that, I repeat, that you can express it in words differently, but it’s the same feeling the one that you are communicating to each other equally.

Go on, go on, it’s you, the one who is writing, and in complete unity with everything that vibrates at this frequency, we, you, and all the light beings who are united by the same feeling of unity , in manifestation of all your daily activity.

Go on, go on, it’s you, the one who writes about yourself, about the unity that we all are, the Light of what you call the other side and the Light of that you call your side, that you are all of you with your united beings, and we'll be resonating in all of you with the same words of: go on, go on, it’s you in yourselves!, until it may be no more necessary for having total confidence of each one in themselves.

We are always in you and you in us, but we tell you so like this, so that it may be well established what you doubt, and when repeating much the same it stays recorded in your subconscious and conscious, with all the strength that is necessary for you, until it becomes part of yourselves with simple naturalness.

You are what you are, and nothing changes what we are saying, only that you are being more and more aware of what you really are, you are and we are an unity, and you are feeling this unity with obvious physical manifestations, which are more difficult to achieve , and that's where we are manifesting ourselves with channelings, which are more and more necessary with many of you, to receive from each other the feeling that you are communicating in unity.

So it is brethren, I am causing this situation at these moments, so that you realize that we are always in you and you in us, we are feeling more and more, that you are communicating among one another through feelings, that each of the interprets his way, but it’s the beginning of your communication among yourselves, without any interference from anyone else.

Yes brethren, I am Jeshua, and I only tell you what you already are and are doing among you, so that you may have a better understanding of what you are creating among you individually, therefore, we tell you the same so many times, so that it may be well established: brethren: “GO ON, GO ON, IT’S YOU, TRUST YOURSELF, IT’S YOU THE ONE WHO’S LISTENING TO YOURSELF, AND TO EVERYONE WHO VIBRATES IN THE SAME LIGHT AND LOVE SINTHONY AMONG YOU!”

I am Jeshua… Michael… and each one of you…



Nº 8
August 11, 2010
In Spanish:

Hello brothers and sisters!

 While many in Spain are on vacation, and there are 4 Circles Groups of 12, the Light, Unity, Freedom and Peace missing two to complete.

I'm placing the components, as they send registration request,    (sorem@hotmail.es) and in the same group can be a very distant place, and to the baseline activity or meditation at the same time, it's hard to agree, because if some are from Chile and others from Spain, for example, are 6 hours apart. But they can agree at the same time, those who are closer to each other.

Later, we can make changes to locate in the same group to the closest to each other, if you see fit. And once a month, we can meet all the groups at the same time online, watching us all with Skype, for a meditation all at once. All this and we can think we'll see together, to improve it as much as possible.

 But now, more importantly, form Circles-Groups of 12, and send direct our energies together to the Heart of Gaia and Conscience of Humanity, without delay, with the baseline activity daily to the safe  interdimensional  way, where there is no time like here.

What we are doing first is to create a force of energy of 12 beings of light together with a large exponential power, securing and enlarging this energy every day, as the we know by feeding the writings, names, photos ... to give consistency Family of Light.

 And this powerful energy is increasing every day, doing the activity base all united with the same intention of helping Gaia and humanity, and individual level, breathing can consciously intentioned, many times as you Each / every day, and taking advantage of this energy of the group also, those who need help in a difficult time in his life.

 Once-Circle Groups meets all the conditions, attracts and join all the Higher Selves of the group, and then ... Can you imagine my brethren, the power that can generate the energy of a Circle- Group?

 This , can only be achieved with our highest state of consciousness united in serving the common good, and then imagine the power of all  Circles-Groups together ... projecting their Great Love and Light from  Lighthouses powerful ... to help us all, each one remains faithful to its internal commitment, on the ascent that we are living in these times of Gaia and Humanity. 

 A hug ... feeling the Great Love of our hearts ... Sorem.


 Channeling by Sorem

Nº 7

August 1, 2010

In Spanish:

"I'm on vacation with the family and I'm not inclined to receive, but now I am getting very strong that ringing in my ears, I find a quiet place so I would not interfere and see what I can get.

Yes Brother, I am Jeshua, with some intensity, I'm giving the signal to be able to respond to my statement today, in order to give some of my love in these words by telepathy, with my own power at your service.

Yes brothers, I, Jeshua, together with Oxalc, my brother so beloved of many missions of service to humanity on Earth and Gaia itself.

Siblings welcome this new mission statement that hath Oxalc you have to take it, immediately as your awareness and help desk unit.

 So brothers, this mission-Circles Groups are designed to lift your own energy in a vibration sensitive touch hearts to awaken, and start listening your own inner Light is calling them your full attention.

So can one carry out the mission that tells your heart, and others, receive the attention that his own inner light will vibrate and join a very high vibration, already claiming its true manifestation of arousal.

You have a mission to wake up one waiting for your dedication to all the ways you can create. Oxalc  said one example, but need not be if you want him so, because you are now teachers have to create your own ways to help, as you see they understand the needs required.

Now is the best opportunity for this option-Circles Group of 12, directing your energies together to help as needed in Gaia and humanity, and it is time that all Lightworkers are you waiting for, a unit of action that stronger and ultimately to achieve global results in your highest good.

You are now ready to make them all the decisions that will get the united action and deeply felt by all alike, and that this feeling is that will change everything in an incredibly fast time.

 But it is the need to feel all the same action, causing the transition to full power requires special moment, you are all imminently feeling that can lead to your decision together.

That's how you can best help when you feel an intense way that comes from your inner being, and coincides with the same sentiment of many others, that's when we put an idea or mission that you can do with all those who feel the same. For all the Lightworkers, in sufficient numbers, are willing to receive what we feel, and it's time to physically create the united strength of all to get it.

And this mission-Groups Circles is our most wanted support, raising the vibration to achieve the scale to remain forever with radiant light around the Earth.

 The mission of Circles-Groups, is one of many you are doing, only this is one of the quickest to answer because it is directly in every heart, without any interference they can get other powers to distract or separate.

This mission is achieved, rapid intervention and instantly united with the highest intention active and connected,  interdimensional direct way, which as I say, can not have interference from the many that are used, as other missions have them because they need other physical characteristics.

So, my dear brothers, Oxalc and I, Jeshua, we are supporting with all our energies, so that you carry out the activation of each group, with the intention of Love Unit helpline.

This action daily, has the great force that you know, that if you increase more and more groups would be achieved in time rise incredibly fast for you, because I tell you, direct all your energy goes higher, without any interference that may distort.

That's why, that this mission- Circles Groups, interdimensional way, is what can be considered as the most effective way to keep in mind for the next mission, that together you can go on creating and teachers considered that you are, and we hope that you may have the same consideration of self-confidence.

So my brothers, this is our help we want you may have in mind, and this aid is your own drive in yourselves and for yourselves, because I, Jeshua, and Oxalc, you're doing anything other than the few words of mind, as you very well could you carry out your own missions to aid Mother Earth, and Humanity in the most successful.

Because the way you have interdimensional and well experienced in a long time in your meditations, and other activities that make you fully introduce you to your higher purposes.

Let me repeat to you that the mission Circles Groups, is the interdimensional way in which you can now spend your most daring missions of aid without interference, because it is direct from Heart to Heart, and in this line of communication with the high intention, goes like a shot at their destination at the moment.

 This way of communication, is a vibration of light so high that it is not possible any interference or diversion, or obstruction  of any kind, simply because it is direct, Unit all us.

 I am Jeshua, with Oxalc on aid mission to Earth.

For Sorem

No. 6)

July 26, 2010.

In Spanish:

Hello Colleagues!

Referring to the message of July 20, 2010, (GROUPS-HELP GROUPS FOR HUMANITY AND GAIA) expose the proposal to create Groups, Circles, to offer our help to Gaia and humanity, within our possibilities are from which we can imagine.

We know much about energy, we know that energy follows thought, and this energy activated by several of us as beings of light with high intention, we know that is exponential.

We have a lot of knowledge and continue looking for more, but we should know, that true knowledge is discovered only when testing that already exists, and if not, will you have misconstruing.

We know very well at the moment, need help from our dear Mother Earth and all humanity to awaken, the responsibility of every being is in relation to their knowledge and consciousness, and we are the most responsible first and foremost we what is happening today.

Our knowledge should be translated into action without delay service, I think that we should not spend all our time just to seek more knowledge, mostly wrong, "and entertainment news, and use it responsibly as we enter our inner being, the whole we already have as part of our truth.

To this end, the proposal is for all who see fit, we will form groups "Circles of service, with a membership not too high to make it more effective, though they remain united in the same action, and also At the same time, each group-Circle can direct their service to what he resonates within them, with everyone able to participate in several at once.

Thus, all groups-circles are united in action to help Gaia and humanity by sending his energy of light and love every day, and also a Group-circle can be dedicated to healing and creating another Songs that lift the soul ... examples ... all this just be an indication that each group consists of its components as it sees fit.


What joy siblings! ... It is time to give all that we are with our great power Kingdom.

All steps of evolution are meant to raise the vibration, the most significant: Prayer to keep your mind occupied in petitions with the highest feelings ... then turn to meditation, where our consciousness considers not only ask
 but also a communication back and forth, getting higher as different manifestations that make us raise the vibration ... then our conscious attempts to maintain the state achieved in meditation, as long as possible during the day ... one more step is, get vibrational state of meditation, constantly, in all situations of every day ... then join our states of consciousness to achieve high and unified exponential power ... and the next step is: Consciously Creating together, with this energy unified our own reality.
And while each group-circle can have its own new service, is intended only to drive all in one daily activity helps Gaia and humanity.

And the latter is what we want with-CIRCLE GROUP, together create our own reality, our New Earth.


All groups are self-Circles in the diversity of their own creativity, with the service they love, while being in full collaboration with all others, and with the same sense of balance and unity within the Grand Circle that we are all 
: The Earth and Humanity.

Since there are 2 groups, circles of 12 members each and will continue to organize little by little to be improving all that we do together.

We see, brothers, the action to perform with all the necessary forces, every day, no matter the time, because we close our eyes and we enter the world of imagination, a place where there is dimensional time and more real than the physical
 ours, we visualize all engaged together in a circle, uniting our energies of Light and Love of the 12 in one, as a single group consciousness of ourselves and our higher selves, "each of us is already aware of this unity, this Light and Love energy Unified ... the inhale ... and exhale from the heart ... aimed at the heart of Gaia ... with this breathing unified one heart ... and then ... also, a more directed at the conscience of humanity with the same intention , and so is repeated 6 breaths to Gaia and 6 others to humanity.

This is the basis for all activities equally in total unity, is in the group that is each home, we visualize all groups within a larger circle or sphere in total balance, where we are one with the same intention of helping Gaia and all mankind.

Those interested can write to this email (sorem@hotmail.es), and when completed the 12, we put you in touch with you to meet you and take up the business base with more strength and intention, and also in groups of different creative activities .

Animo SIBLINGS! ...